Current Job Openings
Senior Pastor
BDBC is searching for a Senior Pastor who is committed to the inerrancy and authority of the Bible. The qualifications described in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are the guiding character principles sought for the pastor. He will agree with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 and will lead our church on the strong foundations of biblical authority. We desire a man who is being transformed by God’s Word himself through personal bible study and prayer, as he leads our congregation to be transformed by God’s Word as well. He will be a text-driven expositor of the biblical text. He will be relational in his delivery, and firm in his conviction. The congregation has determined the priorities for the pastor should be sermon preparation, leadership and administration and personal bible study and prayer.
Our next pastor will be easily approachable, a man who is skilled in relationship building. He will lead our staff with a team-based approach, but will steward well the authority of the office of pastor for all matters of final say. He will value the insight of long-time members of the church, but not cater to any one (or group’s) to the neglect of another. He will be able to relate and pastor all ages of our multi-generational church. He will make biblical decisions concerning the direction of the church and communicate them with grace while leading gently over time.
Accepting Resumes until April 30th.
Email resumes to
Worship Pastor
We are currently seeking a full time Worship Pastor who will be responsible for assisting the church in planning, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive music ministry here at Beaver Dam. If after reviewing our church beliefs and this job description you feel that you are a good candidate for the position we encourage you to apply by emailing your resume to our church administration.