Senior Adults

Ministry Information

Senior Adults grow together studying God’s word in small groups each Sunday (10:00 AM) in age appropriate and needs oriented environments. Two worship services (8:45 AM and 11:00 AM) provide options for gathering with the church family to express our praise and devotion to God through singing and hearing from Him through solid biblical preaching. Seniors fellowship together each month in fun settings on Game Days (Mondays at 10:00 AM) and Luncheons (Mondays at 11:30 AM). This date can vary each month. Please refer to the church calendar. Seniors respond to opportunities to serve throughout the church and community. Efforts are made to match talents and giftedness to specific needs.

Upcoming Fall Events

Game Days – Attendees attend free and enjoy the fellowship, laughs, new friends, refreshments, bingo games, and sweet prizes.

  • Next ones will be scheduled soon…

Luncheon (RSVP Needed) – Attendees ($5.00) enjoy a tasty meal, fellowship, and a variety of programming.

  • Monday, November 25 (Carnival)

  • Tuesday, December 10 (Christmas Celebration)


  • Tuesday, November 12 – “Seniors Got Talent” at the Bijou Theatre

  • Monday, December 2 – Dolly’s Stampede (Pigeon Forge)

We would love for our Seniors to receive regular email updates with ministry and event information. Contact Tim Hopkins, Senior Adult Pastor if you want to receive updates or have any questions about the Senior Adult Ministry at Beaver Dam.